Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hard Knocks and Cherry Blossoms: The Hasselblad Takes me to School

This post is all about the Wash DC Cherry Blossoms.  Because the cherry blossoms were about 2 weeks early this year (thank you again global warming), all of these pictures were actually taken the day before the official Cherry Blossom Festival began.  The light that day was ok - flat with scattered clouds - but flat light can be good since film has less dynamic range than digital (and with film, if the colors aren't popping, you can always make great B&W's instead).  So the conditions were favorable, and the cherry blossoms themselves were at peak bloom, and after two hours and two rolls of film, I was pretty sure that I'd bagged some great shots.  Much to my chagrin, when I got my photos back from the lab, I'd only gotten the focus dead-on with a few of the pictures.  Most of the shots are still sharp enough, but it kills me knowing that they're not quite as good as they could be.  With split-prism manual focus, I've always found it much easier to be accurate when the subject has straight lines or high-contrast areas to use as focus points.  It was tough to match the two half-circles when focusing on the cherry trees and blossoms, but it just means that I need more practice.  And that's ok - I've got a whole year to work on it :)

Saving the best for first - this one is far and away my favorite of the afternoon.  The colors, the detail, the texture... this is why I shoot a Hasselblad.

This last one was my worst goof.  I was hoping to get a sliver of the grass in sharp focus by using the depth-of-focus scale on the lens, but I must have mis-read it, because I got nothing in focus.  In a way, it still makes for a nice pic...

For the rest of the photos, the light was too flat for good colors, so I converted to B&W instead.

This is a weird one.  I remember taking this shot and I'm 100% certain that I focused on the pagoda statue.  What I think might have happened here is something called focus shift.  If the camera is focused while set at one aperture, and then a different aperture is selected, the plane of focus can shift (some lenses do this, some don't).  In my case, the plane of focus appears to have shifted from the statue to the tree, more or less.  Next time I'll be sure to focus the camera after I've selected my aperture, and hopefully that'll keep this from happening again.  What a pity though, it could have been such a nice shot!

Another of my favorite pics from the afternoon.  There were tons of other photographers there, but I only saw one painter.  Looked like a nice painting too :)

That's it for the cherry blossoms.  Look for my next cherry blossom post in ~359 days, by which time I should be a little better at manual focus!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Thank You Global Warming: Spring Comes Early to Wash DC

I'm a huge fan of macro photography, so I was especially stoked when, a few months ago, I was able to find a good deal on a set of close-up diopters for the Hasselblad.  These diopters attach to the front of whatever lens is on the camera, and act to change the minimum focus distance of that lens.  In other words, they convert an ordinary lens into a macro lens.  Close-up diopters are cheap, easy to use, and don't affect the f-stop, but because they alter the optical path in a way that the lens was not originally designed for, some loss of image quality is inevitable.  An extension tube is also a great option for shooting macro on a Hasselblad.  Tubes don't alter the optical path at all, so the image quality is (theoretically) better than with diopters, but most extension tubes do cut ~2 stops of light, and since the majority of macro shots are taken around ~f/11 or stopped down even further, there often won't be enough light to use an extension tube, especially if you're like me and prefer to shoot macro using only ambient light.
I was curious to see how these close-up filters would work with the Zeiss 80mm f/2.8 lens on my 500C/M, and so with an early spring just beginning, I decided to give it a go.  I also decided to use a faster film.  Until now, I've been using Kodak Portra 160, but for macro I figured that Portra 400 would be the way to go since the extra speed (ISO 400 vs. 160) would allow me to stop down the lens by an extra stop or two, which is the only way to get a usable depth of field in macro.

This was essentially a test roll to see how well the close-up diopters worked, and to challenge myself to make some interesting shots around where I live here in Rockville MD.  I have, in fact, done most of my macro shooting around my neighborhood.  That's one of the best things about macro photography - it's easy to make interesting photos almost anywhere (even Rockville!).

Let me preface this next part by saying that these are really small flowers, about as big as a quarter, so the picture may not look as "macro" as it really is.  That being said, close-up filters don't actually allow for 1:1 shooting (1:1 is the reproduction ratio, and it means that the image on the film is the same size as the object in real-life), so technically speaking, this isn't a "macro" shot.  If I had to guess, I'd say that my +3 diopter, which is the most aggressive one I have, allows for shooting at 1:3, maybe 1:4, but that's just a guess. 

The nice part about shooting a Hasselblad is that the image can be cropped significantly and still have more than enough resolution for an 8x10 print.  Here's a tight crop from the picture above...

As you can see, the picture is still quite sharp.  Even with half the frame cropped out, the grain is barely visible, and this is an ISO 400 film! 

I should mention that these images were scanned at my local camera place, which, after a change of ownership, seems to be doing much better work, and a heck of a lot better than I can get scanning the negatives at home.  One of these days, I'll pay for some "premium" scans to see what the Hasselblad can really do, but until then, these scans are pretty good.

Here's another one at close focus with the +3 diopter, and a tighter crop below...

As you can probably tell from these pictures, I saw almost no loss in image quality when using the close-up diopters.  They're a heck of lot easier than using extension tubes too, although I'm sure I'll try that at some point as well.  It's also possible to use diopters and extension tubes at the same time, and that will make the Hassie into a true macro camera (i.e. 1:1 reproduction ratio).

To give an idea of how sharply the depth of field drops off when focusing this close, I shot this at f/11.  For subjects at ordinary distances (~6-50 ft), f/11 gives nearly infinite depth of field with an 80mm lens, but here you can see that only a single flower is in focus at f/11.  The subject was ~20 inches from the film plane.

One more shot to illustrate how shallow the depth of field is when shooting macro.  My focus point was the letter "M", and I also shot this at ~f/11.

And here are just a couple shots to see if I could make something interesting from the (admittedly) boring scenery around my apt. complex.  I doubt I've got any pullitzers here, but as always, the rendition on film is gorgeous, and the level of detail captured by the Hasselblad is pretty amazing too.

Seriously, look at all that detail!

And of course, a B&W shot of my favorite chess table to cap this post.  Thanks for reading. 

With any luck, my next post will be all about the Cherry Blossoms here in DC.  Should be a lot of fun...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Vintage Camera, Modern Art: Wash DC's Sculpture Garden in Medium Format

Less talk, more pictures - that's my mantra beginning right now.  To start things off, I have a few pics from the Wash DC sculpture garden.  A quick disclaimer though: the pics shown here are not indicative of the quality that the Hasselblad is capable of.  My local camera place, where I usually have processing and scanning done, actually went out of business for a few weeks (though thankfully, they were bought by Calumet photo, and from what I can tell so far, Calumet is running a tighter ship than the previous owners).  As a result, I had to scan these images at home, using my Canoscan 9000F and vuescan software.  Perhaps it's my inexperience with scanning, or perhaps it's the scanner or software, but the results are not quite up to my usual standards.  That being said, the images are still very usable, and in some cases, the grainy scans actually give the pictures a charming vintage quality. 

The Sculpture Garden, or more correctly, The National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden, is located on the National Mall, at the intersection of Constitution Ave and 7th.  It's a nice place to spend a few hours - the merits of the sculptures themselves, as with most modern art, are debatable, but there's an ice rink in the winter, and free live jazz every Friday evening in the summer.

As usual, all of these photos were taken on Kodak Portra 160, and metered using my Nikon D90 set at ISO 100 with -0.3 EV's exposure compensation (in bright sunshine, the D90 generally overexposes by just a bit), but these settings are just ballpark numbers.  Because color negative film has so much exposure latitude, my metering need only be accurate to within ~2 stops.  I really enjoy this since it means that I don't need to agonize over technical details and can instead focus on making photos.

Most of these photos were post-processed in iphoto or snapseed, but only very minimally - white balance and some sharpening to correct the inherent softness of the scans.  Unfortunately, digital sharpening does roughen the naturally creamy bokeh of the Hasselblad, but for this round of pics, that's just something I'll have to live with.

Uh, I'm not sure what makes this art, or what the message is, but that could be said for most modern art, so I'll leave my opinions out of it!

I'm also not sure what happened with the negative here.   This was the first picture of the roll, so I suspect that my film magazine may need to be calibrated.  After all, the camera is at least as old as I am, if not older (i.e. born in 1980).

I hate spiders, and that must be why this picture is so boring :)  Actually, all these pics from the Sculpture Garden turned out to be kinda boring because I wasn't allowed to get any closer to the statues.  Tighter compositions almost always lead to more interesting photos... oh well.

This last pic is my favorite.  Two very different versions of Rodin's Thinker :)  Although the Hasselblad isn't a snapshot camera (have to manually meter the scene, manually focus, then compose), I occasionally get lucky and catch a candid moment.  IMO, the human element can transform a ho-hum picture into something a lot more interesting.

That's it for the Sculpture Garden.  I've already got the scans back from my next roll of Portra, and the good news is that they look much better than these scans I did at home.  That'll be an interesting article, all about shooting macro using a Hasselblad with close-up diopters.  Stay tuned...